A survey among historians has placed Franklin Pierce as the most futile President in the history of the United States. J. E. Carter Jr. placed second. G. W. Bush and B. H. Obama were tied for third. G. W. Bush was futile because he took so much time off while in Office and his decision to invade Iraq. Obama, because he spent so much time fund raising, yet had such futile Congressional outcomes and he shrank his party to Congressional and State minorities.
Portions of Obama’s memoirs have leaked.
There was a segment discussing the plan, in 2010, to swap Clinton from Secretary of State to VP and Biden from VP to Secretary of State. Obama felt that keeping Biden as VP was his impeachment inoculation. Obama calculated that the Senate could not endorse to be President, the chronic foot-in-mouth Biden, who has been "wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."(verified by factcheck.org). He added, any politician from Illinois is aware that litigation can have bad outcomes (Jackson Jr, Blagojevich, Ryan, Walker, Kerner, Rostenkowski, Reynolds, Savage).
Another segment described the transition meetings, that took place in December 2008, to define the Obama mission statement. At the State Department, Obama declared the mission statement to be “Don’t screw up.” For his whole government, there was much thought given. One staffer had mentioned Google’s statement “Do no evil.” Obama paused and announced “Do nothing.”
Further on in the memoirs, from a section dealing with 2015, Obama claims how successful this strategy turned out to be. By not having any fiscal policy at all, during his tenure, but to ride behind the Federal Reserve’s extraordinary monetary policy initiatives, Obama took sole credit for the “economic recovery” in his State of the Union address of that year.
Regarding the losses in the 2014 Congressional and state elections, Obama only commented that his chances of repealing the 22nd Amendment had diminished since he couldn’t find support from 38 states. He grudgingly conceded that a third term was not likely, though he was sure he would win.
The Congressional Black Caucus said they would not support another black Presidential candidate unless he/she were “black enough.” One member had blurted that Obama was a coconut – black on the outside, white on the inside. She was shot down by another representative who said “Obama is an Oreo cookie, a mushy white inside. We want someone who eats grits, collards and fried chicken, four times a week. Someone who doesn’t “dine” with his spouse, in “sniffy” restaurants but rather at earthy soul food hangouts.”
A Republican said “His whining about Republicans is as good as any black man’s whine”. A Democrat retorted “Whining is such a waste of time, some white folk can play our jazz, so this dude whines good, big deal, it ain’t Presidential, the cabinet he appointed wasn’t smart enough exploit their position of power, leaving them powerless. Geithner, Treasurer of the United States, gets nothing, Volcker, a mere citizen, gets a law named after him.”
One Southern representative pointed out that Obama smoked, drank homemade beer, played basketball and “did nothing” - pretty much a black man’s life. A northern Democrat immediately replied, “He’s no black man, he ain’t got no mojo. He’s let down the Democratic traditions of Roosevelt, Kennedy, Clinton and Spitzer.”
Publishers of the Brothers Grimm are updating their fairy tales. “The Emperor has no clothes” is being replaced with, “Obama - the pretense of greatness”. It’s about a President who lives in a bubble, full of people telling him how great and smart he is.
And then, how he experiences those Brian Williams, Hillary Clinton moments.
Obama detailing
how his administration set fiscal policies, such as great public works projects, that he initiated at a time when interest rates were nearly zero and unemployment levels were really hurting Americans,
how he had generated so much hope and change,
how he got immigration legislation completed by the end of his first year,
how well he eliminated waste from government,
how he built an economy on solid foundations,
how he astutely completed tax reforms,
how he didn’t run for re-election for sake of running,
how he closed Guantanamo in less than a year,
how he never made Americans question the how justice fails people like Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Eric Garner and
how the country has benefited from his high speed passenger rail projects.
He cites how his policy of not entering a war without an exit strategy has worked in Libya, ISIL and Nato countries bordering Russia.
He recounts the greatness of A. Mastromonaco picks for appointments -
Biden successfully navigated gun control legislation,
Shinseki cleaned up Veterans Affairs,
Sebelius smoothly implemented Obamacare and
Holder defended Main Street from Wall Street bullies.
Court intrigue occurs in the description of how his wife and advisor Jarrett conspire to fire Robert Gibbs and how advisor Mastromonaco, driven by her sense of power, fires S. Sherrod.
The story questions the moral motives of a President when he protects corrupt bankers by firing two hardworking females staffers with no justification –S. Bair and E. Warren who worked in the financial interest of the people; supporting a Secretary of the Treasury who poured money into to pockets of the bankers so they could pay themselves bonuses yet not help out people whose homes were underwater; keeping an Attorney General who failed to prosecute any criminal charges against the bankers and sanctioning the Federal Reserve to fail to regulate Wall Street Banks.
The moral of the story is that no one has the President’s back nor does he have the backs of Americans. He invited historians to dinners at the White House to get a good write up. After telling him how great he was, they would email each other, debating whether he is should be ranked before or after G. W. Bush, as the more futile President.
Obama has been criticized for reproaching Netanyahu for not accepting a two state solution and saying Israeli Arabs were flocking to the polls, because his own campaigns have been about immigration reform, hope and change - flagrant political pandering. During Obama’s tenure, there has been an increase of foodstamp users (from 31.7 to 46 million) and an increase of students in poverty, in public schools (from 43% to 50%).
Obama, the man in the dark, looking for the light switch and never finding it.
“I can’t breathe.”
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