Saturday, March 31, 2012

April 1

The FDA has classified as controlled substance, the Democratic video of Obama’s accomplishments. With the shortage of sleeping pills, old age homes and daycare centers are using the video to put their charges to sleep. The producers of the video have admitted that they had added some filler to the 23 seconds of content. The FDA didn’t want the public to be able to see the video prior to heading off into morning rush hour traffic.

A once dignified educator, E. Warren has fallen on hard times after being stifled by Treasurer T. Geithner. In stooping to the lowest esteemed profession in America, lower than a lawyer or prostitute, she seeks to join the gang of 535, ie Congress. She pleaded that she needed the health insurance. This is in stark contrast to Senator O. Snow, who chose to regain her dignity.

Eliot Spitzer has declared he will run as a third party candidate for President. His record against big business appeals to the Occupy Wall street crowd. To pander to this crowd, his platform includes legalizing marijuana and prostitution. He claims legalizing marijuana is what is needed in these times of discontent and legalizing prostitution addresses the unemployment crisis. His national fund raising activities are run by ladies domiciled in hotel rooms who are not referred to as bundlers but rather as madams. He claims that he will have less difficulty with the gang of 535 because of the mellowing effect of the scent of marijuana in the chambers and the deep discounts he will offer, for services provided through his hotel based fund raising organization. Having had success with a blind, black running mate he is seeking a deaf, mute Latino contortionist as Vice Presidential running mate though he did approach both M. Bloomberg and D. Trump, neither fit the contortionist requirement.

The CIA and Homeland Security have rated Washington DC as the biggest threat to America's economy and well being. The UN is preparing a resolution that declares that the government in Washington commits crimes against humanity. General Patraeus, a specialist in counter-insurgency, will head an insurgency task force to save the world by "persuading" the unruly gang of 535 to serve the people of America rather than themselves. The operation, named "J. Edgar Hoover", will use FBI and IRS files, wire taps, surveillance devices and break-ins to get the goods on the malefactors. Other forces will spread across the country to disrupt accomplice organizations such as the companies that make campaign contributions to whom the representatives are beholden, in a battle to win the hearts and minds of the American people.

Some of the malefactors have been known to group in small clusters with names like the Gang of 14 or the Gang of 6. Others formed impotent groups called Committees that have all but failed.

Robert Gibbs’ autobiography, about his time in the White House, can be found in the bargain bins for 49 cents. His autobiography gave insight into racial relations in the White House. He says there is a rule that whites cannot fire blacks but blacks can fire anyone. He noted that D. Axelrod had complained to Obama that V. Jarrett was not carrying her fair share of the advising duties. Axelrod was fired. In his own case, Gibbs reveals that V. Jarrett had launched a whisper campaign that reached M. Obama to have him terminated. He implies that Agriculture Secretary T. Vilsack (white) could not fire Shirley Sherrod (black) and reasons that the firing was initiated by a black White House adviser. Gibbs describes how the black women of the White House arranged that S. Bair not be re-appointed and E. Warren be ousted from government. He noted that both women were white but worked for the people. He felt that if they had been nominated in together, they would have gotten Congressional passage since one was Republican and the other Democrat. He recounted how C. Romer once said, in a meeting, that T. Geithner was an idiot. She was fired for revealing a state secret.

Scholars note that Obama’s management style is a mix of Southern plantation owner and cocky black rap star. He only ever thanked R. Gibbs and Wm. Gates. The rest were whisked out as though they were lazy slaves. There were so many firings in the White House, that staff feared that their chairs were ejection seats from fighter jets. J. Lew had his chair screwed to the floor. G. Sperling insisted that a safety belt be installed on his chair. J. Favreau weighed down the top of his desk to prevent lift off. One day the White House computer broke down, everyone in the West Wing thought they were fired because they couldn’t login to their email accounts.

A. Goulsbee has filed a suit against the Obama government for breach of promise. He has received no offers to work on Wall Street for millions of dollars after he left the White House, a la P. Orzag. He has blogged that the very least they could do was present him a Medal of Freedom, a la Geo. Tenet. He claims in his blog that he screwed up even worse than Tenet.

Goldman Sachs is setting up an office in the Maldives where T. Geithner will be posted. Goldman Sachs was grateful for the $13 billion that Geithner passed their way but didn't want him near any of their core operations.

I have finally understood my frustration with you. You read differently than I do. Last year I wrote you.
The GOP has shelved plans to impeach Obama. Results of focus group studies conclude that the public will blame the GOP for the decline of America because of Joe Biden screw-ups, if Obama’s impeachment succeeded.

You read it your way. Try to take Bin Laden’s point of view, or any primary voter who was against Biden’s Presidential candidacy.
The GOP has shelved plans to impeach Obama. Results of focus group studies conclude that the public will blame the GOP for the decline of America because of Joe Biden screw-ups, if Obama’s impeachment succeeded.

The same words have a totally different interpretation. I hope you see why I feel that you don’t understand me. I have yet to understand what you mean when you say hope and change, close Guantanamo in a year, eliminate waste from government, build an economy on solid foundations, immigration legislation by the end of the first year.

Question - Am I better off now, than 4 years ago?
Answer - Bread price quadrupled, milk price tripled, interest income down 65%.

The public has learned that you spend time projecting yourself into the context of history. In viewing your management failures, I estimate that 60% of the Presidency is management, 5% introducing game changing policy and 35% politics and spinning. I resent the time you spend on fund raising and campaigning, especially in the 2010 elections which were not Presidential. This is a failure to delegate and abdicating the job of President. You have the dignified choice not to beg for money at all.

Another major management failure is the selection and recruiting function. Four years ago a lot of good people raised their hand, to volunteer to serve in cabinet. The economic people selected demonstrated a total failure of teamwork ie Summers, Romer, Geithner, Goulsbee, Jarrett and Orzag. Contrast that, to the teamwork of Gates, Clinton and you, disseminating your Afghanistan policy after the initial disagreement in policy. It is a reflection of your leadership that none of the good people volunteered for the subsequent vacancies.

The Republican Supreme Court has powerful influence over the Healthcare law. You failed to fill the lower courts with Democratic picks for a whole year and will not be able to fill this years’ vacancies. The failure of the Integrity Department of the Justice Department is shameful. There is an unacceptable list of failings from the Justice Department, abuse of power in the Alaska prosecution, failure to bring to court the Blackwater and DSK cases, no meaningful convictions from the 2008 financial corruptions and questionable FBI work. It gives me a feeling of a case of rotten management.

The Executive Branch disrespects the independence of the Judicial Branch, by assuming that the Healthcare law will be upheld. When you were candidate for the Democratic nomination, you had doubts about an individual mandate. A civil Executive Branch would say the decision rests with the Court and the government must prepare for either outcome.

I may have to revise my prediction that riots will result from Occupy Wall Street protests. I’m surprised that the Travon Martin incident hasn’t sparked riots. There weren’t riots over the Bush vs Gore decision or Citizens United but maybe the Healthcare law decision will do the trick. Your legacy will be that you failed to stack the lower courts with Democratic judges so the Supreme Court pool of candidates will have a Republican bias, especially after 8 years of Romney.