Saturday, June 22, 2013

Examples of a failing Presidency

How could you let a bill to fund foodstamps die in the House?
Your own mother raised you on foodstamps! 
It is during your tenure, that the use of foodstamps have risen the most.
What do you stand for? What are your priorities? 

Detainee’s despair has pushed them onto death’s doorstep at Guantanamo.
It is unsatisfactory to have 41 vacancies for judges with no nominations.
We are reaching the statue of limitations to prosecute bankers/businessmen for the financial debacle of 2008 after you and Holder established two task forces to address/stall the issue.  There are millions of Americans whose homes went underwater and were wronged by the remedy which allowed bankers to put public money into bonuses because Geithner was such a wimp.  Is Justice socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor?

The Economy – social unrest
The second great depression was met with innovative monetary policy and failing fiscal policy.
The stimulus package wasn’t appropriate for the problem at hand and fueled political discord in the partisan way it was passed. The Executive then set no fiscal policy for many years.  It’s current fiscal policy is sequestration?!

There has been evidence of lower class frustration in the UK, France, Sweden, China and Brazil. I feel there is enough contagion that will affect America.  I predict a “not guilty” verdict in the Geo Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case would ignite it but I have a mixed record on social unrest predictions.  I predicted the Occupy Movement but projected it to become Watts Riots, which didn’t happen.  You’ve got to admit you didn’t see the Occupy Movement coming, I just felt the injustice.

I don’t buy Emanuel’s remedy of education being the opium of the masses to address the 5% of anarchists in Chicago.  The better answer is economic prosperity and you don’t have a clue how to achieve it.

You will be remembered for the failing bridges, bankrupt cities, wages going backwards, the injustice to seniors who were short changed on their pension plans and the first generation of parents who despaired that their children would be worse off than them.

Your Executive is like someone who is ill but doesn’t yet know they are sick.
Your government has no agenda and can’t keep up with the paradigm shift in economics, politics and power, let alone outline policy for main street.  You never kept your first term promise to work on the economy every day or if you did your efforts have been pathetic. You are not the right man for the time and you failed to assemble the best minds in America to address the problems.

You need a private economic summit to discuss the changes in economics with L. Summers, P. Krugman,  J. Siglizt, A. Greenspan and J. Galbraith.  What drivers does government have to navigate the economy nowadays?
Once the “what” has been defined you need problem solvers like James Baker, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Robert Gates, Nancy Pelosi and Leon Panetta to tell you how to do it.

The Office of the President truly needs a Department of Government Affairs, which is in touch with every member of Congress to lobby for the priority bills, such as the Foodstamps bill.  There is a paradigm shift in the power structure of Congress and you haven’t placed sufficient resources to deal with it.  Your election team was successful in finding the road to re-election.  It is their analysis of Congress that is required to salvage your Presidency.

We have seen cowardice from you in dealing with the injustice to S. Sherrod and your pronounced failure to build an economic team brimming with leadership and confidence.
These are big strategic ideas well beyond the scope of Valery Jarrett.  We still fail to understand her reading of the facts to justify firing Robert Gibbs or Shirley Sherrod. 

Hope and Change, Rebuild the Middle Class, Yes we can.

I told you so.

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