The Executive Branch acts as if it is above the law. I think it's wrong for Executive Branch participate in Congressional elections. Political activity by the Executive Branch should deal directly with the Executive Branch re-election. The same reasoning makes me question why the Executive Branch criticizes the Judicial Branch on it's decisions.The Executive branch should focus on the problems facing the nation, such as the Economy.
Now that we can see there is only one person left standing after a flurry of house cleaning, we know who is responsible - Valerie Jarrett.
Who else could kick out Summers, Axelrod, Gibbs et al?
Who else would appoint Austan Goolsbee?
Who would be so racially thin skinned to force Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to fire Shirley Sherrod and never own up to it?
Who else would be against bringing Hilary Clinton into the White House?
Who else has an impaired provincial view to avoid problems such as securitized mortgages and too big to fail.
Please reconsider how the Cost of Living Allowance is calculated. Christina Romer understood my concern, Valerie Jarrett doesn't. At the 30,000 foot level, inflation is measured as a trend indicator, it is rising or falling. The indicator must be consistent. For the sake of consistency temporary fluctuations have to be dampened out. The items which create temporary swings are food and gas prices. The harm comes because food and gas are important for living. I have written often that the President doesn't know the price of a gallon of milk or loaf of bread. This varies by geographic region. Life on the ground shows the price of bread has quadrupled and the price of milk has tripled in the past 3 years but there is no inflation. Who is out of touch ... Valerie Jarrett.
I am nothing but an I told you so.
The problem du jour is faulty foreclosure procedures at the banks. February 2, 2010, I wrote "Geithner has pressed on the gas pedal (gas = people's money) with a heavy foot, oblivious of the amount of gas in the tank (the national debt). He has not fixed the engine (securitized mortgages in the banks) so we use more gas than we need to and we risk to have another breakdown." I got it right, Jarett still can't see it coming.
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