Sunday, March 28, 2010


I am concerned that the “success” of healthcare has empowered policy wonks to think government is all about policy. It took a year to hatch healthcare, in that same year closing Guantanimo failed, fixing the securitized mortgages at the banks failed and the big savings from removing waste in government failed.

I am sorry for all the family dairy farms that have closed. Pig farmers got to big because they are too greedy, but it’s sad to see farmers suffer.

Is it possible that you can only deal with one issue at a time? Everything was on hold while you dealt with Afghanistan and then Healthcare.

Do you ever spend time thinking that Treasury, Justice or Agriculture could do with improved leadership? If the answer is never, let me remind you of the greatest one-liner on the failure of management “Heck of a job, Brownie.”

You and your people love policy and basketball. What you need is a Chief Operating Officer who looks after the day to day business of good government. Women are especially good at this, Hilary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi come to mind.

Things you can do to improve is to find team players. Emnual, Pelosi, Clinton, Gates get things done through teamwork. The economy suffers partly because there is no teamwork from the members of your government.

Because of the tough political climate, everyone is thin skinned when it comes to hearing criticism. I suggest you have someone schedule a half hour a week to give you highlights of Inspector General Reports from various departments. Obviously Justice, Treasury and Defense come to mind.

I told you so.

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