Sunday, March 1, 2009

2005 April 26

G. W. Bush pulled the wool over American eyes when he attacked Iraq.
He said Weapons of Mass Destruction but he really meant oil.
Now there is more pressure to increase oil supply.
Because Iraqi oil will not arrive in America in time, Bush has his sights set on Iranian oil.
He will talk about nuclear threat of Iran but he will attack for the oil.
Within the next two years, unemployment will rise in the US, the young will join Uncle Sam for the money.
He will plan to attack Iran in March of 2007, fours years after the attack on Iraq.
Bush has started the fight with "All options are on the table."
He will harp on the escalation of Iranian nuclear activity.
Pay attention when he asks Congress to go to war!

Read his lips. Connect the dots.

Lesson about Democracy - Presidents lie.

Bill Clinton lied to Americans when he said he did not have sexual relations.
He deserved to be impeached because he violated the trust between the President and citizens of America.

Bush/Cheney invaded Iraq because they wanted the oil. They never admitted it, they made up other stories, they lied.
Cheney's energy plan divided the Iraqi oil fields among American Oil Companys while ensuring Haliburton's illegal investments in Iraq.
If it worked, it would've been great for Cheney's bank account.

Because it didn't work, they needed a scapegoat and some cover for re-election.
Bush is very sensitive to bad news.
Wilson made up some of his story but it wasn't a personal attact against Bush, however the doubt he introduced had traction.
Rove and Libby (Cheney's Office) had the goods to snuff the traction and attack the opposition at the CIA to the fabricated reasons to attack Iraq.
Press secretary Scott M assured Americans that Rove and Libby had nothing to do with spreading the word that Wilson's wife worked at the CIA.
Bush and Cheney were safe behind the scapegoat that the mistake of going to war was due to was faulty intelligence from a disfunctional CIA, that hires incompetent Democrats as operatives who waste taxpayer money on their spouses. Tenet gets a freedom medal for heading this organization.

Republican Haliburton gets to screw taxpayers big time.
Democrats screw things up by giving their spouses trips to Africa on taxpayer money.

Neither the Republicans nor Democrats care about the life of our soldiers, the sorrow of the wounded and grief of the families of the killed. There is no concern for the 100,000 innocent Iraqi's killed by mistake, by being at the wrong place at the wrong time or mere misunderstanding by American troops.

I think Rove and Libby lied to Scott M when they said they had nothing to do with leaking Wilson's wife's position.

Bush wants to stay in Iraq so America will get the oil, not China or India. Greed is driving his reason to stay in Iraq.

Bill Clinton's dirty lies victimized women, Ms S Mcdonnel who was sent to jail by the Special Prosecutor, Monica L, Jennifer F, Hilary among others.

Bush/Cheney lies profit rich Americans and victimize the troops (composed of lower class stock) and their families and Iraqi's and in the end Americans.
The dirtiest lie is that Bush and Cheney went to Iraq for the oil and never admitted it.

The three cheats, Clinton, Bush and Cheney all dodged the draft in their way.
Liars and cheats as President of the United States.

Cheney has been a cheat all his life, dodged the draft by staying in school (flunked at Yale) and getting married and having children. At Haliburton, he fought the embargo against Iraq and worked in Iraq when it was against the law.

Bush's way to dodge the draft was a dubious history in the Air Force Reserves, and the way he avoids questions about it make him a cheat.

If you believe that Bush and Cheney invaded Iraq for the oil, then they have breached the trust of Americans.

If you want America to get out of Iraq, stop the American dependence on Middle East oil. Over half the imported oil is used to make gasoline. This means every American should be prudent when consuming oil based products from gas to plastics.

This is the new politics. Save America by living within its energy and economic means. Redesign cities so people live near where they work, can walk to do groceries and shopping,
have hoods over the sidewalks in the south so people can walk (it's only hot in the sun).
Give hope, don't live in the gloom of George Bush's leadership.

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