Sunday, April 20, 2014

Alyssa Mastomonaco

A good person, exceptionally hard working and strives to do her very best.
She worked in secret, failing any sense of transparency or accountability.
Being invisible she was unavailable to good ideas but worse she was irreproachable, even though she should be accountable for her failings.

Obama, you have failed to “trust but verify”.  You have a duty is to validate Alyssas’ calls in your own mind.  Unfortunately you are so inexperienced that you were unable to materially challenge her in any aspect of her work.  She is trustworthy, but surely there was room for improvement and worse, she could be wrong and never know.  With proper transparency, critics like me would know who to fault.  For example, there should be transparent accountability on who did in S. Sherrod, it’s no way to run a government.

Alyssa has strong political skills and is up to the blood sport.  Both she and you lack governing skills, defining what needs to get done and knowing how to get things done.
Neither of you are upset that there are 20 million Americans on Foodstamps, there is so much waste in the exorbitant university fees nor is there any empathy to the quality of jobs in the job market.
You don’t possess the economic vision to understand that, with the deficit situation improving, it is critical to introduce fiscal policies, after a 6 year absence and over reliance on wobbly monetary policy.  L. Summers is practically on a rant.  You don’t understand that “Policy is people”.  You never had fiscal accountability, no sense of carefully minding the store.

You are not being reproached for lack of effort or wrong intentions.  You both put in the hard work but are too young to recognize wisdom. You fail to deal with your shortcomings – there are times when Alyssa was in over her head, you put her there and you didn’t help bail her out. Geithner was in the same situation, he was in an extraordinary, stressful situation and you aren’t the kind of person who wants to hear a confession about being in over my head. As a further example of your shortcoming, you put Decker in a jam. She will need help and you stand empty handed.

Hillary Clinton is far more perceptive, would recognize when someone needs help, she is more effective and wouldn’t put people in a jam and most of all she is a problem solver and knows how to facilitate remedies. These are definitely your shortcomings.

It is noticeable how Alyssa and J. Favreau resent H. Clinton.  I don’t know what they know, but you need help and H. Clinton has got the rolodex that you lack. It is too late to salvage your failure to govern.  These wasted years have a terrible effect on the following generation.  With Clinton’s rolodex you could at least strengthen America.  While to you and Alyssa, the enemy is the Republicans, for me, the people are suffering and you don’t get it.

Trust but verify.
Policy is people.