Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Democrat, Republican and Independent

A Democrat, Republican and Independent were sitting at a bar. They watched news report of 46 million Americans on food stamps.

Democrat’s reaction to 46 million Americans on food stamps.

The economy, stupid.

Republican’s reaction to 46 million Americans on food stamps.

Keep the change.

Independent’s reaction to 46 million Americans on food stamps.

I know where the buck stops.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Obama's Katrina Moment

The fact 46 million Americans receive food stamps represents the Obama
Katrina moment, for me. I found departures of Orszag, Romer, Summers
and Goolsbee, demonstrated a breakdown of teamwork in the monumental
task of righting the economy. To see Obama spending so much of his
time on funding raising across the country in these times upsets me.
I am very uncomfortable with an unemployment rate of 12% and the high
price of food and gas.

Now 15% of Americans, 46 million are on food stamps!

Obama is reacting the same way G. W. Bush reacted to Katrina. The
heck of a job Brownie is great job Geithner. Tarp was supposed to
resolve the housing mortgage crisis, at 800 billion. Geithner’s fixes
didn’t work. I find it a weakness in leadership to over do the blame
game. We know where the buck stops.

Monday, August 8, 2011

May you live in interesting times

For the sake of the country, I made an effort to seek out leading economists to offer themselves to fill Goolsbee’s job. I got one reply, from a famous economist - not likely you would attract anyone notable. Your standing is such that you can’t even attract America’s best for the most important problem. Time to despair.

I resent all the time you take off, for fund raising, rather than hold serious economic meetings. Clinton wound have meetings with Greenspan, they would compare personal notes. It would be a waste of Bernake’s time to meet with you… you have no personal notes. Your notes are based on what you are told, you are dependent on your feeders. You are living in a bubble, you don’t even know the price of a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk.

You have spent more time tearing apart your economic team than trying to fix the economy. There has never been a buzz from a crack economic team addressing the economy.

You sought empathy in a nominee to the Supreme Court yet there is no sign that you govern with empathy. 46 million Americans are on food stamps. You are ignoring the plight for human dignity of a person who is unemployed but is willing to work,
I despair.